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Bootstrap Evaluation of Association Matrices (BEAMR) is a method to integrate multiple forms of omics data with multiple clinical endpoints. BEAMR uses simple association models and bootstrapping to provide a consolidated gene ranking using all of the feature/endpoint associations.

Here is a brief overview of BEAMR. First, define sets that link the genomic features from each omic dataset to a โ€œsetโ€. This set could be any meaningful grouping of features, such as gene, pathway, etc. Next, for each set, compute the association estimate matrix (AEM), which is a matrix of regression coefficients from univariate association models of each endpoint with each feature in that set. Then we consider the AEM as a point in multivariate association estiamte space and determine its distance from the null point of no association (all entries in the AEM=0). Finally, we use bootstrap resampling to determine if the observed set is significantly different from the null. This is illustrated in Figure 1.

In this vignette, we describe how to use the BEAMR package with a pediatric T-ALL example dataset from COG trial AALL0434 published in Liu et al., 2017. This dataset contains 265 patients, three clinical endpoints, and two omics.

The Data

The clinical data are saved in ๐šŒ๐š•๐š’๐š—๐š\texttt{clinf}. The three clinical endpoints are minimal residual disease measured at Day 29 (MRD29), event-free survival (EFS), and overall survival (OS).

#>            ID MRD29 RNA.clm Lesion.clm   EFS    OS

There are two omics datasets included here. ๐™ป๐šŽ๐šœ๐š’๐š˜๐š—\texttt{Lesion} is an indicator matrix denoting the presence or absence of a lesion. ๐š๐™ฝ๐™ฐ\texttt{RNA} is a matrix of gene expression.

omicdat$Lesion[1:5, 1:5]
#>                          PARWNW PASXUC PATXNR PASYIS PATBGC
#> ENSG00000264545_loss          1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000147889_loss          1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000224854_loss          1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000148400_mutation      1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000099810_loss          1      1      1      1      0
omicdat$RNA[1:5, 1:5]
#>                    PARFIH     PARFPJ     PARFXJ     PARKLK     PARLJA
#> ENSG00000121410 0.4976379 0.29994795 1.13973142 0.32584690 0.35940872
#> ENSG00000148584 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
#> ENSG00000175899 0.0176369 0.11316706 0.02913480 0.00992041 0.02672925
#> ENSG00000166535 0.0000000 0.02261638 0.01278318 0.01735184 0.00000000
#> ENSG00000184389 0.1067503 1.46126661 0.32734246 0.56042150 0.49385225

Prepare BEAMR Data

To use BEAMR, we need the data in a specific format. This can be accomplished with the prep_beam_data() function. In addition to the clinical and omics data, this function also requires omic annotation and set data input. The omics annotation has id and gene columns.

#>                         id            gene
#> 1     ENSG00000264545_loss ENSG00000264545
#> 2     ENSG00000147889_loss ENSG00000147889
#> 3     ENSG00000224854_loss ENSG00000224854
#> 4 ENSG00000148400_mutation ENSG00000148400
#> 5     ENSG00000099810_loss ENSG00000099810
#> 6     ENSG00000264801_loss ENSG00000264801
#>                id            gene
#> 1 ENSG00000121410 ENSG00000121410
#> 2 ENSG00000148584 ENSG00000148584
#> 3 ENSG00000175899 ENSG00000175899
#> 4 ENSG00000166535 ENSG00000166535
#> 5 ENSG00000184389 ENSG00000184389
#> 6 ENSG00000128274 ENSG00000128274

The set data input contains the mapping from the omics features to the sets. It is a data.frame with columns โ€œset.idโ€, โ€œmtxโ€, and โ€œrow.idโ€. โ€œset.idโ€ is the name of the set, which is Ensembl ID in this example. โ€œmtxโ€ defines the omic type (e.g., โ€œLesionโ€ or โ€œRNAโ€). โ€œrow.idโ€ is the feature name, which must be an element of the rownames of the omics matrices.

#> 1 ENSG00000121410    RNA ENSG00000121410
#> 2 ENSG00000148584    RNA ENSG00000148584
#> 3 ENSG00000175899    RNA ENSG00000175899
#> 4 ENSG00000166535    RNA ENSG00000166535
#> 5 ENSG00000184389    RNA ENSG00000184389
#> 6 ENSG00000128274    RNA ENSG00000128274

With these components, we can now call prep_beam_data(). We also specify the number of bootstrap replicates with the โ€œn.bootโ€ arguement and can set the seed for reproducibility. The output is a object, which is a list with (clinf), (omicdat), mtx.anns (omicann), anns.mtch (summary of omic annotation), (setdat), set.anns, and boot.index (indices of bootstrap resamples). <- prep_beam_data(,,
                            set.anns=NULL, n.boot=10, seed=123)
#> Checking inputs: Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#>   Checking that each element of is a matrix: Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#>   Checking that each element of mtx.anns is a data.frame: Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#> Aligning with each Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#>   Working on Lesion (1 of 2): Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#>   Working on RNA (2 of 2): Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#> Warning in get_id_index(, mtx.clms): Some ids not matched; returning
#> NAs for those.
#>   Working on mtx.anns: Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#>   Matching matrix 1 with annotations: Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#>   Matching matrix 2 with annotations: Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#>   Checking Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#>     Ordering and indexing Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#>     Checking section 1 of 40 of Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#> Generating bootstrap index matrix: Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#> Packaging and returning result: Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#> 265 rows and 8 columns. 
#>            ID MRD29 RNA.clm Lesion.clm
#> PARASZ PARASZ  0.00      46         21    PARASZ
#> PARAYM PARAYM  0.00      47        108    PARAYM
#> PARCVM PARCVM  0.00      15         84    PARCVM
#> PAREGZ PAREGZ  0.49     170        142    PAREGZ
#> PARFDL PARFDL  0.00     184        175    PARFDL
#> Lesion: 265 columns linked to 265 rows of 
#> RNA: 264 columns linked to 264 rows of 
#> Lesion: 
#>                          PARWNW PASXUC PATXNR PASYIS PATBGC
#> ENSG00000264545_loss          1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000147889_loss          1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000224854_loss          1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000148400_mutation      1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000099810_loss          1      1      1      1      0
#> RNA: 
#>                    PARFIH     PARFPJ     PARFXJ     PARKLK     PARLJA
#> ENSG00000121410 0.4976379 0.29994795 1.13973142 0.32584690 0.35940872
#> ENSG00000148584 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
#> ENSG00000175899 0.0176369 0.11316706 0.02913480 0.00992041 0.02672925
#> ENSG00000166535 0.0000000 0.02261638 0.01278318 0.01735184 0.00000000
#> ENSG00000184389 0.1067503 1.46126661 0.32734246 0.56042150 0.49385225
#> mtx.anns: 
#>   Lesion: 20 rows and 2 columns. 
#>   RNA: 20 rows and 2 columns. 
#> Lesion: 
#>                         id            gene
#> 1     ENSG00000264545_loss ENSG00000264545
#> 2     ENSG00000147889_loss ENSG00000147889
#> 3     ENSG00000224854_loss ENSG00000224854
#> 4 ENSG00000148400_mutation ENSG00000148400
#> 5     ENSG00000099810_loss ENSG00000099810
#> RNA: 
#>                id            gene
#> 1 ENSG00000121410 ENSG00000121410
#> 2 ENSG00000148584 ENSG00000148584
#> 3 ENSG00000175899 ENSG00000175899
#> 4 ENSG00000166535 ENSG00000166535
#> 5 ENSG00000184389 ENSG00000184389
#> anns.mtch: 
#> mtx.anns id.clm nrow.mtx nrow.ann
#> 1   Lesion   Lesion     id       20       20       20
#> 2      RNA      RNA     id       20       20       20
#> 40 rows assigning sets to data.mtx rows. 
#> 9  ENSG00000081760    RNA      ENSG00000081760
#> 8  ENSG00000094914    RNA      ENSG00000094914
#> 25 ENSG00000099810 Lesion ENSG00000099810_loss
#> 19 ENSG00000099810    RNA      ENSG00000099810
#> 14 ENSG00000109576    RNA      ENSG00000109576
#> 10 ENSG00000114771    RNA      ENSG00000114771
#> set.anns:  rows of set annotations.
#> boot.index: 11 rows and 265 columns of bootstrap indices. 
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,]    1    2    3    4    5
#> [2,]  179   14  195  118  229
#> [3,]  108    8  114  261   29
#> [4,]   55   19  241  218  155
#> [5,]  145  200  211   69   46

Before calculating the association estimate matrix, we need to specify the models to fit. We do this through โ€œbeam.specsโ€ which can be generated automatically using prep_beam_specs(). This function defines the model form based on the endpoint type. The ๐š๐š’๐š›๐š๐š‘=๐šƒ๐š๐š„๐™ด\texttt{firth=TRUE} option uses Firth penalized Cox models which are useful in the presence of rare events or omics.

beam.specs <- prep_beam_specs(, endpts=c("MRD29", "OS", "EFS"), firth=TRUE)
#> MRD29 is continuous, fitting lm
#> OS is survival endpoint, fitting coxphf2
#> EFS is survival endpoint, fitting coxphf2
#>           name    mtx                                         mdl
#> 1 Lesion.MRD29 Lesion    lm(MRD29~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 2    RNA.MRD29    RNA    lm(MRD29~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 3    Lesion.OS Lesion  coxphf2(OS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 4       RNA.OS    RNA  coxphf2(OS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 5   Lesion.EFS Lesion coxphf2(EFS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 6      RNA.EFS    RNA coxphf2(EFS~mtx.row,,model=T)

Users may also specify their own models by entering an optional โ€œendptmdlโ€ argument, which is a data.frame with string columns called โ€œendptโ€ and โ€œmdlโ€.

Calculate Association Statistics

With the and beam.specs we can now calculate the association statistics for all omics and all endpoints in the original data and the included bootstrap resamples. This can take a long time depending on the size of your data, and is a natural place to parallelize by computing the statistics for the original data and each bootstrap dataset separately and then recombining.

beam.stats <- compute_beam_stats(, beam.specs=beam.specs)
#> Working on analysis 1 of 6 : Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#> Lesionlm(MRD29~mtx.row,,model=T)
#>   Working on bootstrap 0 of 11 : Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#>   Working on bootstrap 10 of 11 : Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#> Working on analysis 2 of 6 : Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#> RNAlm(MRD29~mtx.row,,model=T)
#>   Working on bootstrap 0 of 11 : Tue Jul 30 13:51:28 2024
#>   Working on bootstrap 10 of 11 : Tue Jul 30 13:51:29 2024
#> Working on analysis 3 of 6 : Tue Jul 30 13:51:29 2024
#> Lesioncoxphf2(OS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#>   Working on bootstrap 0 of 11 : Tue Jul 30 13:51:29 2024
#>   Working on bootstrap 10 of 11 : Tue Jul 30 13:51:43 2024
#> Working on analysis 4 of 6 : Tue Jul 30 13:51:45 2024
#> RNAcoxphf2(OS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#>   Working on bootstrap 0 of 11 : Tue Jul 30 13:51:45 2024
#>   Working on bootstrap 10 of 11 : Tue Jul 30 13:52:01 2024
#> Working on analysis 5 of 6 : Tue Jul 30 13:52:03 2024
#> Lesioncoxphf2(EFS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#>   Working on bootstrap 0 of 11 : Tue Jul 30 13:52:03 2024
#>   Working on bootstrap 10 of 11 : Tue Jul 30 13:52:18 2024
#> Working on analysis 6 of 6 : Tue Jul 30 13:52:19 2024
#> RNAcoxphf2(EFS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#>   Working on bootstrap 0 of 11 : Tue Jul 30 13:52:19 2024
#>   Working on bootstrap 10 of 11 : Tue Jul 30 13:52:36 2024
#> Contains 6 association estimate matrices with 10 bootstraps: 
#>   Association Estimate Matrix of Lesion with MRD29 has dimensions 20 x 11. 
#>   Association Estimate Matrix of RNA with MRD29 has dimensions 20 x 11. 
#>   Association Estimate Matrix of Lesion with OS has dimensions 20 x 11. 
#>   Association Estimate Matrix of RNA with OS has dimensions 20 x 11. 
#>   Association Estimate Matrix of Lesion with EFS has dimensions 20 x 11. 
#>   Association Estimate Matrix of RNA with EFS has dimensions 20 x 11. 
#> Example Association Estimate Matrix for Lesion with MRD29: 
#>                               boot_0      boot_1      boot_2      boot_3
#> ENSG00000264545_loss     -0.19093600 -0.18285072 -0.21417250 -0.20583809
#> ENSG00000147889_loss     -0.19931154 -0.17555327 -0.20297360 -0.19104882
#> ENSG00000224854_loss     -0.18613078 -0.17555327 -0.21375800 -0.18794477
#> ENSG00000148400_mutation -0.02983458 -0.03084684  0.05543433 -0.01137685
#> ENSG00000099810_loss     -0.13672414 -0.12616440 -0.16711568 -0.11536782
#>                                boot_4
#> ENSG00000264545_loss     -0.156257583
#> ENSG00000147889_loss     -0.210577002
#> ENSG00000224854_loss     -0.163050513
#> ENSG00000148400_mutation -0.001250098
#> ENSG00000099810_loss     -0.090666306
#> Example Association Estimate Matrix for RNA with MRD29: 
#>                       boot_0       boot_1      boot_2       boot_3      boot_4
#> ENSG00000121410  0.045547007  0.004894953  0.11539090  0.091368164  0.12737124
#> ENSG00000148584 -0.043899068 -0.027183517 -0.03688248 -0.066976684 -0.06705541
#> ENSG00000175899  0.071592760  0.035710522  0.08890343  0.060304200  0.04032931
#> ENSG00000166535  0.000296431 -0.011542505 -0.07000542  0.003024411  0.03280950
#> ENSG00000184389  0.088934788  0.053931057  0.12269236  0.205216952  0.11770464
#> Example Association Estimate Matrix for Lesion with OS: 
#>                              boot_0     boot_1     boot_2       boot_3
#> ENSG00000264545_loss      0.8932939 0.82087274  0.7774685  1.007661292
#> ENSG00000147889_loss      0.9489993 0.84854596  0.8068623  1.045121725
#> ENSG00000224854_loss      0.9563505 0.84854596  0.8400789  1.095728463
#> ENSG00000148400_mutation -0.0989406 0.04244735  0.1444102 -0.081025546
#> ENSG00000099810_loss      0.3328451 0.53394399 -0.1096147  0.003899453
#>                               boot_4
#> ENSG00000264545_loss     1.116271049
#> ENSG00000147889_loss     1.172808630
#> ENSG00000224854_loss     1.139336521
#> ENSG00000148400_mutation 0.008572771
#> ENSG00000099810_loss     0.583670072
#> Example Association Estimate Matrix for RNA with OS: 
#>                      boot_0      boot_1      boot_2      boot_3       boot_4
#> ENSG00000121410 -0.06064136  0.08833406  0.19740235 -0.23032144  0.042520410
#> ENSG00000148584  0.05061313  0.19634699  0.13935280 -0.04349620 -0.308207853
#> ENSG00000175899  0.02594285  0.03512339  0.06672908 -0.11478157 -0.057850041
#> ENSG00000166535 -0.09119894 -0.16775731 -0.97860178 -0.05163522  0.036242601
#> ENSG00000184389 -0.13155891 -0.34544421 -0.27764175 -0.10397644  0.009883494
#> Example Association Estimate Matrix for Lesion with EFS: 
#>                                boot_0      boot_1       boot_2      boot_3
#> ENSG00000264545_loss      0.311047946 0.192434740 -0.027644863  0.45783281
#> ENSG00000147889_loss      0.355335350 0.212469747 -0.005443877  0.49058097
#> ENSG00000224854_loss      0.358707580 0.212469747  0.010605097  0.52911969
#> ENSG00000148400_mutation -0.008535379 0.101993852 -0.185038910 -0.09593391
#> ENSG00000099810_loss     -0.015810223 0.006761143 -0.488404478 -0.18680785
#>                             boot_4
#> ENSG00000264545_loss     0.6079674
#> ENSG00000147889_loss     0.6584991
#> ENSG00000224854_loss     0.6237131
#> ENSG00000148400_mutation 0.1068464
#> ENSG00000099810_loss     0.2182788
#> Example Association Estimate Matrix for RNA with EFS: 
#>                      boot_0     boot_1      boot_2     boot_3      boot_4
#> ENSG00000121410  0.05921417  0.1825319  0.34583467  0.1120400  0.07337122
#> ENSG00000148584  0.17012792  0.2792833  0.35866190  0.2208551 -0.50231550
#> ENSG00000175899 -0.11536335 -0.1158022 -0.02586119 -5.6659243 -3.05803752
#> ENSG00000166535  0.24454397  0.3871298  0.45451663  0.2155649  0.19137130
#> ENSG00000184389 -0.13690629 -0.2247154 -0.12818200 -0.2024793 -0.02224107
#> Example Endpoint Data: 
#>        MRD29   EFS    OS
#> PARASZ  0.00 3087+ 3087+
#> PARAYM  0.00 3399+ 3399+
#> PARCVM  0.00 2424+ 2424+
#> PAREGZ  0.49 3087+ 3087+
#> PARFDL  0.00 3075+ 3075+
#> BEAM Model Specifications: 
#>           name    mtx                                         mdl
#> 1 Lesion.MRD29 Lesion    lm(MRD29~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 2    RNA.MRD29    RNA    lm(MRD29~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 3    Lesion.OS Lesion  coxphf2(OS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 4       RNA.OS    RNA  coxphf2(OS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 5   Lesion.EFS Lesion coxphf2(EFS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 6      RNA.EFS    RNA coxphf2(EFS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> BEAM data used to create Association Estimate Matrices: 
#> 265 rows and 8 columns. 
#>            ID MRD29 RNA.clm Lesion.clm
#> PARASZ PARASZ  0.00      46         21    PARASZ
#> PARAYM PARAYM  0.00      47        108    PARAYM
#> PARCVM PARCVM  0.00      15         84    PARCVM
#> PAREGZ PAREGZ  0.49     170        142    PAREGZ
#> PARFDL PARFDL  0.00     184        175    PARFDL
#> Lesion: 265 columns linked to 265 rows of 
#> RNA: 264 columns linked to 264 rows of 
#> Lesion: 
#>                          PARWNW PASXUC PATXNR PASYIS PATBGC
#> ENSG00000264545_loss          1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000147889_loss          1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000224854_loss          1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000148400_mutation      1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000099810_loss          1      1      1      1      0
#> RNA: 
#>                    PARFIH     PARFPJ     PARFXJ     PARKLK     PARLJA
#> ENSG00000121410 0.4976379 0.29994795 1.13973142 0.32584690 0.35940872
#> ENSG00000148584 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
#> ENSG00000175899 0.0176369 0.11316706 0.02913480 0.00992041 0.02672925
#> ENSG00000166535 0.0000000 0.02261638 0.01278318 0.01735184 0.00000000
#> ENSG00000184389 0.1067503 1.46126661 0.32734246 0.56042150 0.49385225
#> mtx.anns: 
#>   Lesion: 20 rows and 2 columns. 
#>   RNA: 20 rows and 2 columns. 
#> Lesion: 
#>                         id            gene
#> 1     ENSG00000264545_loss ENSG00000264545
#> 2     ENSG00000147889_loss ENSG00000147889
#> 3     ENSG00000224854_loss ENSG00000224854
#> 4 ENSG00000148400_mutation ENSG00000148400
#> 5     ENSG00000099810_loss ENSG00000099810
#> RNA: 
#>                id            gene
#> 1 ENSG00000121410 ENSG00000121410
#> 2 ENSG00000148584 ENSG00000148584
#> 3 ENSG00000175899 ENSG00000175899
#> 4 ENSG00000166535 ENSG00000166535
#> 5 ENSG00000184389 ENSG00000184389
#> anns.mtch: 
#> mtx.anns id.clm nrow.mtx nrow.ann
#> 1   Lesion   Lesion     id       20       20       20
#> 2      RNA      RNA     id       20       20       20
#> 40 rows assigning sets to data.mtx rows. 
#> 9  ENSG00000081760    RNA      ENSG00000081760
#> 8  ENSG00000094914    RNA      ENSG00000094914
#> 25 ENSG00000099810 Lesion ENSG00000099810_loss
#> 19 ENSG00000099810    RNA      ENSG00000099810
#> 14 ENSG00000109576    RNA      ENSG00000109576
#> 10 ENSG00000114771    RNA      ENSG00000114771
#> set.anns:  rows of set annotations.
#> boot.index: 11 rows and 265 columns of bootstrap indices. 
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,]    1    2    3    4    5
#> [2,]  179   14  195  118  229
#> [3,]  108    8  114  261   29
#> [4,]   55   19  241  218  155
#> [5,]  145  200  211   69   46

Calculate Set and Feature-Level P-Values

Now we can use the beam.stats to find the set and feature-level p-values.

Set-level p-values: By default, the BEAMR set p-values are for the integration of all available omics and endpoints. The result is a list, and the BEAMR p-values are in the โ€œset.pvalsโ€ entry.

set.pvals <- compute_set_pvalues(beam.stats)
#> Preparing bootstrap results for calculating feature set p-values: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#> Finding stats for each data matrix:Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>   Finding stats for data matrix Lesion: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>    Finding features with with Lesion.MRD29 stats: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>    Finding features with with Lesion.OS stats: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>    Finding features with with Lesion.EFS stats: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>   Finding stats for data matrix RNA: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>    Finding features with with RNA.MRD29 stats: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>    Finding features with with RNA.OS stats: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>    Finding features with with RNA.EFS stats: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#> Found 120 rows of stats: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#> Merging stats with feature-sets: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#> Merged feature-set stat rows: 120
#> Ordering and indexing feature sets: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>   Cleaning up beam.stat matrices:Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>    Working on matrix 1 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>    Working on matrix 2 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>    Working on matrix 3 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>    Working on matrix 4 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>    Working on matrix 5 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>    Working on matrix 6 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#> Computing p-value for feature set 1 of 34: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#> 13ENSG00000081760
#> Computing p-value for feature set 26 of 34: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#> 9496ENSG00000229835
#> Finished computing p-values at: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#> Minimum q-value is 0.106439437831269
#> Creating set p-value data frame.
#> Done creating data frame.
#> Creating list for output.

Example of the results:

#> 1 ENSG00000081760
#> 2 ENSG00000094914
#> 3 ENSG00000099810
#> 4 ENSG00000109576
#> 5 ENSG00000114771
#> 6 ENSG00000118017
#>                                                                           features
#> 1                                               1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> 2                                               1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> 3 1 Lesion.EFS | 1 Lesion.MRD29 | 1 Lesion.OS | 1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> 4                                               1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> 5                                               1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> 6                                               1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> distance.ratio      p.set     q.set
#> 1              2.7        23.261819      8.6154884 0.02970528 0.1112937
#> 2              2.7         1.686417      0.6245987 0.40000000 0.2676141
#> 3              5.4         8.594254      1.5915285 0.30000000 0.2554498
#> 4              2.7         7.262608      2.6898548 0.10000000 0.1440999
#> 5              2.7        39.518499     14.6364811 0.01704578 0.1064394
#> 6              2.7         2.397169      0.8878403 0.40000000 0.2676141

The compute_feature_pvalues() function returns a list for each omics/endpoint pair with univariate associations for all omics features.

feat.pvals <- compute_feature_pvalues(beam.stats)
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 1 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>   This matrix has 20 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 2 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>   This matrix has 20 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 3 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>   This matrix has 20 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 4 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>   This matrix has 20 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 5 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>   This matrix has 20 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 6 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:38 2024
#>   This matrix has 20 features.
#> [1] "Lesion.MRD29" "RNA.MRD29"    "Lesion.OS"    "RNA.OS"       "Lesion.EFS"  
#> [6] "RNA.EFS"

Example of the results:

#>                id            gene       beta         p         q
#> 1 ENSG00000081760 ENSG00000081760 0.39512059 0.1666667 0.1969697
#> 2 ENSG00000094914 ENSG00000094914 0.16586489 0.3333333 0.2888889
#> 3 ENSG00000099810 ENSG00000099810 0.42230413 0.1666667 0.1969697
#> 4 ENSG00000109576 ENSG00000109576 0.08833319 0.5000000 0.3823529
#> 5 ENSG00000114771 ENSG00000114771 0.14483645 0.1666667 0.1969697
#> 6 ENSG00000118017 ENSG00000118017 0.30517260 0.1666667 0.1969697

Subset the Results

If you have large data, the beam.stats result file might be very large, too large to open on a local machine. One option is to filter this results file, which is needed to evaluate the results and plot. The subset_beam_result() file allows for filtering based on many different criteria, such as specify a list fo features, a vector of set.ids, a vector of endpoints, a vector of omics, and set or feature-level p/q-value limits. There is an option ot use the intersection or union of all specified criteria. Additionally, the set-level p-values can be optionally recalculated, which should be done if the number of omics or endpoints changes. The example below filters the beam.stats object to the sets with the top ten smallest set-level q-values.

beam.stats.filt <- subset_beam_result(beam.stats, set.pvals, feat.pvals, endpts=NULL,
                                      q.limit=10, intersect=TRUE, recalc=FALSE)
#>   Working on mtx.anns: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   Matching matrix 1 with annotations: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   Matching matrix 2 with annotations: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 1 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   This matrix has 6 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 2 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   This matrix has 7 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 3 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   This matrix has 6 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 4 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   This matrix has 7 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 5 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   This matrix has 6 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 6 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   This matrix has 7 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 1 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   This matrix has 6 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 2 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   This matrix has 7 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 3 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   This matrix has 6 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 4 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   This matrix has 7 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 5 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   This matrix has 6 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 6 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:52:39 2024
#>   This matrix has 7 features.
#> $beam.stats
#> Contains 6 association estimate matrices with 10 bootstraps: 
#>   Association Estimate Matrix of Lesion with MRD29 has dimensions 6 x 11. 
#>   Association Estimate Matrix of RNA with MRD29 has dimensions 7 x 11. 
#>   Association Estimate Matrix of Lesion with OS has dimensions 6 x 11. 
#>   Association Estimate Matrix of RNA with OS has dimensions 7 x 11. 
#>   Association Estimate Matrix of Lesion with EFS has dimensions 6 x 11. 
#>   Association Estimate Matrix of RNA with EFS has dimensions 7 x 11. 
#> Example Association Estimate Matrix for Lesion with MRD29: 
#>                           boot_0     boot_1     boot_2      boot_3      boot_4
#> ENSG00000264545_loss -0.19093600 -0.1828507 -0.2141725 -0.20583809 -0.15625758
#> ENSG00000147889_loss -0.19931154 -0.1755533 -0.2029736 -0.19104882 -0.21057700
#> ENSG00000224854_loss -0.18613078 -0.1755533 -0.2137580 -0.18794477 -0.16305051
#> ENSG00000264801_loss -0.13821656 -0.1239665 -0.1639224 -0.11055410 -0.09439548
#> ENSG00000266446_loss -0.09222371 -0.0775523 -0.1134355 -0.06947515 -0.07033315
#> Example Association Estimate Matrix for RNA with MRD29: 
#>                      boot_0       boot_1       boot_2       boot_3      boot_4
#> ENSG00000128274  0.08720496  0.109390028  0.044897331  0.121861752  0.09987658
#> ENSG00000081760 -0.03607313  0.034956223 -0.089175927  0.081705062 -0.06983956
#> ENSG00000114771  0.07002589  0.099323229  0.001406326  0.070103099  0.09474937
#> ENSG00000109576 -0.12047921 -0.134490811 -0.099232706 -0.120472858 -0.12181346
#> ENSG00000224854  0.04198742 -0.002051417  0.007657997  0.002145128  0.04635030
#> Example Association Estimate Matrix for Lesion with OS: 
#>                         boot_0    boot_1     boot_2     boot_3    boot_4
#> ENSG00000264545_loss 0.8932939 0.8208727  0.7774685 1.00766129 1.1162710
#> ENSG00000147889_loss 0.9489993 0.8485460  0.8068623 1.04512173 1.1728086
#> ENSG00000224854_loss 0.9563505 0.8485460  0.8400789 1.09572846 1.1393365
#> ENSG00000264801_loss 0.3681696 0.6134522 -0.1043398 0.04148775 0.6138597
#> ENSG00000266446_loss 0.5760150 0.8063569  0.1638686 0.92763980 0.6092065
#> Example Association Estimate Matrix for RNA with OS: 
#>                     boot_0      boot_1    boot_2     boot_3     boot_4
#> ENSG00000128274 0.16197577  0.09668843 0.1557670 0.23429709  0.2197898
#> ENSG00000081760 0.07025600  0.25418477 0.4471904 0.09829159  0.1214861
#> ENSG00000114771 0.15584991  0.14674332 0.2083145 0.16427747  0.1169206
#> ENSG00000109576 0.09189032 -0.57119111 0.2057833 0.13147781  0.2651223
#> ENSG00000224854 0.06835618  0.30907085 0.2299027 0.22839346 -0.1334088
#> Example Association Estimate Matrix for Lesion with EFS: 
#>                          boot_0     boot_1       boot_2     boot_3    boot_4
#> ENSG00000264545_loss 0.31104795 0.19243474 -0.027644863  0.4578328 0.6079674
#> ENSG00000147889_loss 0.35533535 0.21246975 -0.005443877  0.4905810 0.6584991
#> ENSG00000224854_loss 0.35870758 0.21246975  0.010605097  0.5291197 0.6237131
#> ENSG00000264801_loss 0.01296298 0.06564000 -0.482688007 -0.1595180 0.2405010
#> ENSG00000266446_loss 0.13131513 0.09748747 -0.014785146  0.3507272 0.3510419
#> Example Association Estimate Matrix for RNA with EFS: 
#>                      boot_0      boot_1      boot_2     boot_3      boot_4
#> ENSG00000128274  0.20296851  0.44949340  0.22461005 0.05788957  0.07440748
#> ENSG00000081760  0.40551255  0.48707882  0.45943021 0.38063298  0.34116921
#> ENSG00000114771  0.13935591  0.11748291  0.13784936 0.12321800  0.13015927
#> ENSG00000109576  0.09502053 -0.16961948  0.01397912 0.07915553  0.19728078
#> ENSG00000224854 -0.03123313  0.07555118 -0.03490088 0.07155310 -0.17750700
#> Example Endpoint Data: 
#>        MRD29   EFS    OS
#> PARASZ  0.00 3087+ 3087+
#> PARAYM  0.00 3399+ 3399+
#> PARCVM  0.00 2424+ 2424+
#> PAREGZ  0.49 3087+ 3087+
#> PARFDL  0.00 3075+ 3075+
#> BEAM Model Specifications: 
#>           name    mtx                                         mdl
#> 1 Lesion.MRD29 Lesion    lm(MRD29~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 2    RNA.MRD29    RNA    lm(MRD29~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 3    Lesion.OS Lesion  coxphf2(OS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 4       RNA.OS    RNA  coxphf2(OS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 5   Lesion.EFS Lesion coxphf2(EFS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 6      RNA.EFS    RNA coxphf2(EFS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> BEAM data used to create Association Estimate Matrices: 
#> 265 rows and 8 columns. 
#>            ID MRD29 RNA.clm Lesion.clm
#> PARASZ PARASZ  0.00      46         21    PARASZ
#> PARAYM PARAYM  0.00      47        108    PARAYM
#> PARCVM PARCVM  0.00      15         84    PARCVM
#> PAREGZ PAREGZ  0.49     170        142    PAREGZ
#> PARFDL PARFDL  0.00     184        175    PARFDL
#> Lesion: 265 columns linked to 265 rows of 
#> RNA: 264 columns linked to 264 rows of 
#> Lesion: 
#> ENSG00000264545_loss      1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000147889_loss      1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000224854_loss      1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000264801_loss      1      1      1      1      0
#> ENSG00000266446_loss      1      1      1      0      0
#> RNA: 
#>                     PARFIH    PARFPJ    PARFXJ     PARKLK    PARLJA
#> ENSG00000128274 0.05672224 0.4579619 0.2620723 0.02147973 0.1392075
#> ENSG00000081760 1.35366204 1.6374711 1.4004286 1.72334012 1.2025118
#> ENSG00000114771 0.00000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.0000000
#> ENSG00000109576 2.15911246 0.2559237 2.1404842 0.92850298 1.3338817
#> ENSG00000224854 0.00000000 0.1323794 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.0000000
#> mtx.anns: 
#>   Lesion: 6 rows and 2 columns. 
#>   RNA: 7 rows and 2 columns. 
#> Lesion: 
#>                     id            gene
#> 1 ENSG00000264545_loss ENSG00000264545
#> 2 ENSG00000147889_loss ENSG00000147889
#> 3 ENSG00000224854_loss ENSG00000224854
#> 6 ENSG00000264801_loss ENSG00000264801
#> 9 ENSG00000266446_loss ENSG00000266446
#> RNA: 
#>                 id            gene
#> 6  ENSG00000128274 ENSG00000128274
#> 9  ENSG00000081760 ENSG00000081760
#> 10 ENSG00000114771 ENSG00000114771
#> 14 ENSG00000109576 ENSG00000109576
#> 15 ENSG00000224854 ENSG00000224854
#> anns.mtch: 
#> mtx.anns id.clm nrow.mtx nrow.ann
#> 1   Lesion   Lesion     id        6        6        6
#> 2      RNA      RNA     id        7        7        7
#> 13 rows assigning sets to data.mtx rows. 
#> 9  ENSG00000081760    RNA      ENSG00000081760
#> 14 ENSG00000109576    RNA      ENSG00000109576
#> 10 ENSG00000114771    RNA      ENSG00000114771
#> 6  ENSG00000128274    RNA      ENSG00000128274
#> 30 ENSG00000147883 Lesion ENSG00000147883_loss
#> 17 ENSG00000147883    RNA      ENSG00000147883
#> set.anns:  rows of set annotations.
#> boot.index: 11 rows and 265 columns of bootstrap indices. 
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> [1,]    1    2    3    4    5
#> [2,]  179   14  195  118  229
#> [3,]  108    8  114  261   29
#> [4,]   55   19  241  218  155
#> [5,]  145  200  211   69   46
#> $beam.set.pvals
#> $beam.set.pvals$set.pvals
#> 1  ENSG00000081760
#> 4  ENSG00000109576
#> 5  ENSG00000114771
#> 8  ENSG00000128274
#> 9  ENSG00000147883
#> 10 ENSG00000147889
#> 23 ENSG00000224854
#> 30 ENSG00000264545
#> 31 ENSG00000264801
#> 33 ENSG00000266446
#>                                                                            features
#> 1                                                1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> 4                                                1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> 5                                                1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> 8                                                1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> 9  1 Lesion.EFS | 1 Lesion.MRD29 | 1 Lesion.OS | 1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> 10 1 Lesion.EFS | 1 Lesion.MRD29 | 1 Lesion.OS | 1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> 23 1 Lesion.EFS | 1 Lesion.MRD29 | 1 Lesion.OS | 1 RNA.EFS | 1 RNA.MRD29 | 1 RNA.OS
#> 30                                      1 Lesion.EFS | 1 Lesion.MRD29 | 1 Lesion.OS
#> 31                                      1 Lesion.EFS | 1 Lesion.MRD29 | 1 Lesion.OS
#> 33                                      1 Lesion.EFS | 1 Lesion.MRD29 | 1 Lesion.OS
#> distance.ratio      p.set     q.set
#> 1               2.7        23.261819       8.615488 0.02970528 0.1112937
#> 4               2.7         7.262608       2.689855 0.10000000 0.1440999
#> 5               2.7        39.518499      14.636481 0.01704578 0.1064394
#> 8               2.7         6.541296       2.422702 0.10000000 0.1440999
#> 9               5.4        14.540832       2.692747 0.07445442 0.1440999
#> 10              5.4        71.196922      13.184615 0.01298854 0.1064394
#> 23              5.4        64.186229      11.886339 0.02357628 0.1104135
#> 30              2.7        60.083333      22.253086 0.01273073 0.1064394
#> 31              2.7         5.599363       2.073838 0.10000000 0.1440999
#> 33              2.7         5.851065       2.167061 0.09599200 0.1440999
#> $beam.set.pvals$row.pvals
#> $beam.set.pvals$set.mtch
#>                         mtx.row
#> 62          RNA_ENSG00000081760 ENSG00000081760      RNA.EFS
#> 61          RNA_ENSG00000081760 ENSG00000081760    RNA.MRD29
#> 63          RNA_ENSG00000081760 ENSG00000081760       RNA.OS
#> 71          RNA_ENSG00000109576 ENSG00000109576      RNA.EFS
#> 70          RNA_ENSG00000109576 ENSG00000109576    RNA.MRD29
#> 72          RNA_ENSG00000109576 ENSG00000109576       RNA.OS
#> 74          RNA_ENSG00000114771 ENSG00000114771      RNA.EFS
#> 75          RNA_ENSG00000114771 ENSG00000114771    RNA.MRD29
#> 73          RNA_ENSG00000114771 ENSG00000114771       RNA.OS
#> 82          RNA_ENSG00000128274 ENSG00000128274      RNA.EFS
#> 84          RNA_ENSG00000128274 ENSG00000128274    RNA.MRD29
#> 83          RNA_ENSG00000128274 ENSG00000128274       RNA.OS
#> 4   Lesion_ENSG00000147883_loss ENSG00000147883   Lesion.EFS
#> 5   Lesion_ENSG00000147883_loss ENSG00000147883 Lesion.MRD29
#> 6   Lesion_ENSG00000147883_loss ENSG00000147883    Lesion.OS
#> 86          RNA_ENSG00000147883 ENSG00000147883      RNA.EFS
#> 87          RNA_ENSG00000147883 ENSG00000147883    RNA.MRD29
#> 85          RNA_ENSG00000147883 ENSG00000147883       RNA.OS
#> 8   Lesion_ENSG00000147889_loss ENSG00000147889   Lesion.EFS
#> 9   Lesion_ENSG00000147889_loss ENSG00000147889 Lesion.MRD29
#> 7   Lesion_ENSG00000147889_loss ENSG00000147889    Lesion.OS
#> 90          RNA_ENSG00000147889 ENSG00000147889      RNA.EFS
#> 88          RNA_ENSG00000147889 ENSG00000147889    RNA.MRD29
#> 89          RNA_ENSG00000147889 ENSG00000147889       RNA.OS
#> 26  Lesion_ENSG00000224854_loss ENSG00000224854   Lesion.EFS
#> 27  Lesion_ENSG00000224854_loss ENSG00000224854 Lesion.MRD29
#> 25  Lesion_ENSG00000224854_loss ENSG00000224854    Lesion.OS
#> 119         RNA_ENSG00000224854 ENSG00000224854      RNA.EFS
#> 118         RNA_ENSG00000224854 ENSG00000224854    RNA.MRD29
#> 120         RNA_ENSG00000224854 ENSG00000224854       RNA.OS
#> 47  Lesion_ENSG00000264545_loss ENSG00000264545   Lesion.EFS
#> 48  Lesion_ENSG00000264545_loss ENSG00000264545 Lesion.MRD29
#> 46  Lesion_ENSG00000264545_loss ENSG00000264545    Lesion.OS
#> 50  Lesion_ENSG00000264801_loss ENSG00000264801   Lesion.EFS
#> 51  Lesion_ENSG00000264801_loss ENSG00000264801 Lesion.MRD29
#> 49  Lesion_ENSG00000264801_loss ENSG00000264801    Lesion.OS
#> 57  Lesion_ENSG00000266446_loss ENSG00000266446   Lesion.EFS
#> 56  Lesion_ENSG00000266446_loss ENSG00000266446 Lesion.MRD29
#> 55  Lesion_ENSG00000266446_loss ENSG00000266446    Lesion.OS
#> 62       ENSG00000081760
#> 61       ENSG00000081760
#> 63       ENSG00000081760
#> 71       ENSG00000109576
#> 70       ENSG00000109576
#> 72       ENSG00000109576
#> 74       ENSG00000114771
#> 75       ENSG00000114771
#> 73       ENSG00000114771
#> 82       ENSG00000128274
#> 84       ENSG00000128274
#> 83       ENSG00000128274
#> 4   ENSG00000147883_loss
#> 5   ENSG00000147883_loss
#> 6   ENSG00000147883_loss
#> 86       ENSG00000147883
#> 87       ENSG00000147883
#> 85       ENSG00000147883
#> 8   ENSG00000147889_loss
#> 9   ENSG00000147889_loss
#> 7   ENSG00000147889_loss
#> 90       ENSG00000147889
#> 88       ENSG00000147889
#> 89       ENSG00000147889
#> 26  ENSG00000224854_loss
#> 27  ENSG00000224854_loss
#> 25  ENSG00000224854_loss
#> 119      ENSG00000224854
#> 118      ENSG00000224854
#> 120      ENSG00000224854
#> 47  ENSG00000264545_loss
#> 48  ENSG00000264545_loss
#> 46  ENSG00000264545_loss
#> 50  ENSG00000264801_loss
#> 51  ENSG00000264801_loss
#> 49  ENSG00000264801_loss
#> 57  ENSG00000266446_loss
#> 56  ENSG00000266446_loss
#> 55  ENSG00000266446_loss
#> $beam.feat.pvals
#> $beam.feat.pvals$Lesion.MRD29
#>                     id            gene        beta         p         q
#> 1 ENSG00000147883_loss ENSG00000147883 -0.06887792 0.6666667 0.4074074
#> 2 ENSG00000147889_loss ENSG00000147889 -0.18938381 0.1666667 0.1527778
#> 3 ENSG00000224854_loss ENSG00000224854 -0.17833096 0.1666667 0.1527778
#> 4 ENSG00000264545_loss ENSG00000264545 -0.18609926 0.1666667 0.1527778
#> 5 ENSG00000264801_loss ENSG00000264801 -0.12821056 0.1666667 0.1527778
#> 6 ENSG00000266446_loss ENSG00000266446 -0.07479441 0.5000000 0.3666667
#> $beam.feat.pvals$RNA.MRD29
#>                id            gene        beta         p         q
#> 1 ENSG00000081760 ENSG00000081760 -0.03973064 0.6666667 0.6666667
#> 2 ENSG00000109576 ENSG00000109576 -0.11641160 0.1666667 0.3333333
#> 3 ENSG00000114771 ENSG00000114771  0.08370487 0.1666667 0.3333333
#> 4 ENSG00000128274 ENSG00000128274  0.09529498 0.1666667 0.3333333
#> 5 ENSG00000147883 ENSG00000147883 -0.05407062 0.5000000 0.6000000
#> 6 ENSG00000147889 ENSG00000147889 -0.01545819 0.5000000 0.6000000
#> 7 ENSG00000224854 ENSG00000224854  0.02761206 0.8333333 0.7142857
#> $beam.feat.pvals$Lesion.OS
#>                     id            gene      beta         p         q
#> 1 ENSG00000147883_loss ENSG00000147883 0.2881053 0.5000000 0.2777778
#> 2 ENSG00000147889_loss ENSG00000147889 0.9426508 0.1666667 0.1388889
#> 3 ENSG00000224854_loss ENSG00000224854 0.9488390 0.1666667 0.1388889
#> 4 ENSG00000264545_loss ENSG00000264545 0.8836309 0.1666667 0.1388889
#> 5 ENSG00000264801_loss ENSG00000264801 0.3449753 0.5000000 0.2777778
#> 6 ENSG00000266446_loss ENSG00000266446 0.5411791 0.1666667 0.1388889
#> $beam.feat.pvals$RNA.OS
#>                id            gene       beta         p         q
#> 1 ENSG00000081760 ENSG00000081760 0.13510178 0.5000000 0.3888889
#> 2 ENSG00000109576 ENSG00000109576 0.11760327 0.6666667 0.4444444
#> 3 ENSG00000114771 ENSG00000114771 0.14751566 0.1666667 0.1944444
#> 4 ENSG00000128274 ENSG00000128274 0.23584130 0.1666667 0.1944444
#> 5 ENSG00000147883 ENSG00000147883 0.20069900 0.1666667 0.1944444
#> 6 ENSG00000147889 ENSG00000147889 0.20974254 0.1666667 0.1944444
#> 7 ENSG00000224854 ENSG00000224854 0.08683849 0.5000000 0.3888889
#> $beam.feat.pvals$Lesion.EFS
#>                     id            gene        beta         p         q
#> 1 ENSG00000147883_loss ENSG00000147883  0.03354078 0.8333333 1.0000000
#> 2 ENSG00000147889_loss ENSG00000147889  0.34089214 0.3333333 0.6666667
#> 3 ENSG00000224854_loss ENSG00000224854  0.34309511 0.1666667 0.6666667
#> 4 ENSG00000264545_loss ENSG00000264545  0.29337356 0.3333333 0.6666667
#> 5 ENSG00000264801_loss ENSG00000264801 -0.03602487 1.0000000 1.0000000
#> 6 ENSG00000266446_loss ENSG00000266446  0.12867032 0.8333333 1.0000000
#> $beam.feat.pvals$RNA.EFS
#>                id            gene        beta         p         q
#> 1 ENSG00000081760 ENSG00000081760  0.39512059 0.1666667 0.1944444
#> 2 ENSG00000109576 ENSG00000109576  0.08833319 0.5000000 0.3888889
#> 3 ENSG00000114771 ENSG00000114771  0.14483645 0.1666667 0.1944444
#> 4 ENSG00000128274 ENSG00000128274  0.22670353 0.1666667 0.1944444
#> 5 ENSG00000147883 ENSG00000147883  0.12287691 0.3333333 0.3111111
#> 6 ENSG00000147889 ENSG00000147889  0.27823411 0.1666667 0.1944444
#> 7 ENSG00000224854 ENSG00000224854 -0.02584083 0.8333333 0.5555556

Plot the Results

Finally, we have some functions to visualize the results. First we need to update โ€œbeam.specsโ€ to include a โ€œplotโ€ column. This can be done using the prep_beam_plot() function.

plot.specs <- prep_beam_plot(, beam.specs=beam.specs)
#>           name    mtx                                         mdl
#> 1 Lesion.MRD29 Lesion    lm(MRD29~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 2    RNA.MRD29    RNA    lm(MRD29~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 3    Lesion.OS Lesion  coxphf2(OS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 4       RNA.OS    RNA  coxphf2(OS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 5   Lesion.EFS Lesion coxphf2(EFS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#> 6      RNA.EFS    RNA coxphf2(EFS~mtx.row,,model=T)
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                         plot
#> 1                                                                                        ggplot2::ggplot(, y=MRD29)) + ggplot2::ylab('MRD29')+ggplot2::xlab('Lesion')
#> 2                                                                                                 ggplot2::ggplot(, y=MRD29)) + ggplot2::ylab('MRD29')+ggplot2::xlab('RNA')
#> 3   survminer::ggsurvplot(survfit(OS~mtx.row.fac,,, legend='right', legend.title='Lesion', legend.labs=c(paste0(levels($mtx.row.fac))), ylab='OS Probability', font.x=12, font.y=12)
#> 4    survminer::ggsurvplot(survfit(OS~(mtx.row>median(mtx.row, na.rm=TRUE)),,, legend='right', legend.title='RNA', legend.labs=c('High', 'Low'), ylab='OS Probability', font.x=12, font.y=12)
#> 5 survminer::ggsurvplot(survfit(EFS~mtx.row.fac,,, legend='right', legend.title='Lesion', legend.labs=c(paste0(levels($mtx.row.fac))), ylab='EFS Probability', font.x=12, font.y=12)
#> 6  survminer::ggsurvplot(survfit(EFS~(mtx.row>median(mtx.row, na.rm=TRUE)),,, legend='right', legend.title='RNA', legend.labs=c('High', 'Low'), ylab='EFS Probability', font.x=12, font.y=12)

We can plot the top features (smallest feature-level p-value) for a specified set using the plot_beam_clin() function.

plot_beam_clin(beam.result=beam.stats, beam.specs=plot.specs,
               beam.set.pvals = set.pvals, beam.feat.pvals=feat.pvals,
     "ENSG00000099810", pair.type=NULL, number.pairs=1,
               n.col=3, n.row=NULL)
#> Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_point()`).

We can also plot all of the clinical endpoint association plots for a specified feature using the plot_feat_clin() function.

plot_feat_clin(beam.result=beam.stats, beam.specs=plot.specs,
               beam.set.pvals=set.pvals, beam.feat.pvals=feat.pvals,
     "ENSG00000227443_loss", n.col=2, n.row=NULL)