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Compute feature level p-values from BEAM statistics





A beam.stats object, which is a list with beam.stats (the association matrices), the beam.specs, and the


A list of feature level p-values, with each entry a data frame for a different omics/endpoint associaiton, with columns id, gene, beta, p, q


test.feat.pvals <- compute_feature_pvalues(beam.stats=beam_stats)
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 1 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:51:19 2024
#>   This matrix has 20 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 2 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:51:19 2024
#>   This matrix has 20 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 3 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:51:19 2024
#>   This matrix has 20 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 4 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:51:19 2024
#>   This matrix has 20 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 5 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:51:19 2024
#>   This matrix has 20 features.
#> Computing feature p-values for stat matrix 6 of 6: Tue Jul 30 13:51:19 2024
#>   This matrix has 20 features.